As a nonprofit organization, DConstruction Arts relies on generous donations from people like you.
Your donation will provide much needed support to continue to create content in these difficult times. With your help, we look forward to bringing you more of the thought provoking experiences you associate with DConstruction Arts such as our multidisciplinary productions as seen in Definition of Man and our podcast Inspiration is Everywhere.
DConstruction Arts
is a 501(c)3 non-profit
All donations are tax deductible

Podcast Sponsor
Inspiration is :
a field guide for the storytellers of the world
Make a recurring monthly donation of $10 to DConstruction Arts' podcast Inspiration Is Everywhere: A Field Guide for the Storytellers of the World. Thank you for your generosity and being a part of this growing community.
Donor Levels
Friends of DConstruction Arts
Our sincere thank you for joining our family. We look forward to sharing our work with you and getting to know you!
As a thank you for your $100 donation, you will receive a comfy DCon Arts T-shirt to sport around town, (it's even suitable for an evening out), plus your name will be listed on our website!
As a Thank You for your $25 donation receive a kick butt DCon Arts sweat wristband and impress all your friends at the gym or in yoga class and see your name listed on our website!
As a thank you for your $250 donation you will receive a super stylish Hoodie to keep you looking good & warm in the coming winter and see your name listed on our website!
As a Thank You for your $50 donation receive a beautiful DCon Arts Mug to enjoy your morning brew or your afternoon "pick me up" coffee or tea and see your name listed on our website!
As a thank you for your $500 donation, you will receive a thank you package including a hoodie, t-shirt and mug. Your name will be listed on our website AND mentioned on our Podcast!
Patrons of DConstruction Arts
Become a Patron of DConstruction with a larger donation and enjoy exclusive benefits such as behind-the-scenes access that will help to make your experience that much more memorable.